Saturday, 12 November 2016

The curious case of OHS install failing on Oracle Linux while setting up EPM

Well, in this blog, I would be talking about the strange error that I got while I was installing EPM on Oracle Linux box. Now, when I was doing the install of EPM on the Linux box, I was choosing to do an install of Foundation, Essbase and Planning along with FDMEE. Now, all the install went through successfully, except for Oracle HTTP server. This was strange since I have never had issue with OHS, at least on Windows. Now when you check the pre-requisite check for Oracle HTTP server while doing the install you get a warning as shown in the below snapshot.

It gives an EPMINS-01017 status saying that the component can be installed but a warning condition exists.
The warning system says to check the OS certification. Now, it looks like Oracle HTTP server can be installed on Redhat, Oracle and Suse machines. But in my virtual machine, the OS name comes out to be oracle-Oracle and hence the OHS install fails.

Now, there is a fix to get OHS up and running. This is to basically to run the installer from the command line separately and use the ignoreSysPrereqs flag. The flag will skip the pre requisite check of OS certification and install the component successfully. This is shown in the below snapshot. 
Some of the OHS install snapshots are as shown below.

I have not yet managed to see how the install calls the individual component modules since I wanted to see if I can tag the ignorePreSysreqs flag in some script. It looks like it is handled internally based on the checkboxes that are selected so looks like we have very limited control.

P.S. The advantage of the OHS install failing was I got the install working on Managed weblogic server. It was a good learning. More on this later…

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