Thursday, 3 November 2016

Create a user in Oracle database – Before we create the master repository in ODI

In my previous blog, I had shown how to install and configure the Oracle database on a Linux box. In this blog, I would be talking about creating a schema for the odi_user so that we can access this schema using credentials apart from SYSTEM or SYS.
As mentioned in my previous blog, the Oracle database is installed by a user called as oracle. In order to create tablespaces and have some logical separation of the artifacts, I create a directory for the oracle user and make him the owner of the /home/oracle directory. This is shown in the below snapshot.   

Next, I connect to sqlplus using the SYSTEM credentials as shown in the below snapshot.

The first thing I do is create a tablespace called odi_tablespace specifically for the odi_user as shown in the below snapshot. 

I also create a temporary tablespace for the odi_user as shown in the below snapshot.   
Next, I create a user called as odi_user which would be my default user for all the operations for for Oracle Data Integrator as shown in the below snapshot. 
I grant DBA privileges to the odi_user which is shown in the next snapshot. 

I now connect using the odi_user that I created above to the database and am able to login successfully as shown in the below snapshot.   

In my next blog, we would create a Master repository for the Oracle Data Integrator and a work repository as well after which we will try to do a flat file upload into Oracle.

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