Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Data export in Essbase using the DATAEXPORT command to relational table

In this blog, I would be talking about data export from an Essbase application using the DATAEXPORT command. The data would be exported to a flat file as well as a relational system. So let us deep dive into it.

This is a snippet of data that I am interested in exporting out an Essbase application. I have done the export using a report script. 

The first thing to remember about DATAEXPORT is that it is a calculation script command. This means that I can use it within a FIX statement to do, what is called as a targeted export. For example, suppose that I would be doing some changes to level0 data for a particular version and entity. I can choose these in a fix and export the data before I do any updates in my application. Targeted data export can also be done using a report script but you have to remember that report script will be slightly slower than DATAEXPORT since the formatting part is skipped.

The next snapshot shows me creating a calculation script for running a data export of descendants of Q1(Jan, Feb, Mar) and Account level-0 members for a specific entity, scenario, version and year.

The export will be a file that is comma-delimited and named “EssDemo_Q1_Export.txt” WITH Missing values represented using #Mi.

On running the data export, the file is saved to the Essbase app folder as shown in the below snapshot. 

Contents of the file is as shown in the next snapshot. Although the data is exported out, it is not in a very clean columnar format as such.   

To export the data in a bit more cleaner format, I will use the SET DATAEXPORTOPTIONS command and specify to export the data in column format as shown in the below snapshot. 

When I save and ran the above script, the file did not change!!!Output did not come in columnar format. This is because there is a flag called as “DATAEXPORTOVERWRITEFILE” which tells Essbase calculation engine if it should overwrite a file or not that already exists. By default, this flag is OFF. I set it to ON as shown in the next snapshot.   

On running the calculation script, the cleaner output in column format is as shown in the below snapshot.   

Now, let us try to export the data to a relational schema from Essbase.
The first thing that you need to do is create a DSN for the RDBMS that you want to hit on the Essbase server. This is shown in the below couple of snapshots. 

The next thing that I do is create a table in the columnar export format that was present in the file as shown in the below snapshot. 

I next updated the calculation script to export to a DSN as shown in the below snapshot to the database table that I created above.

After running the export, the data is updated in the table as shown in the below snapshot.


  1. how can we format members using this script?
    Account|FY15|Jan|secnario|Final|Europe|Income Statement|3680.50

    1. If you want a timestamp to this record, please use a simple batch or shell script...

      batch use for /f command

      shell script make use of awk or sed...

      Pushing timestamp in relational system is challenging...doing it in flat files is relatively simple.

  2. Is this achieved?

    I am looking same requirement, can any one advise how to overwrite the data to Relational table if we ran the Calc Script multiple times?

  3. It does a bulk export. If you are using Oracle, you need to export to a staging table and then update the target table using the MERGE statement.
