Saturday, 24 September 2016

Category Mappings in FDMEE

In this blog, I would be talking about Category mappings that are used in FDMEE. In my last blog I covered about the Period mappings and updating them from the backend table. The reason for covering these tables is because these are used extensively in the Drill through queries. Now the category mappings in FDMEE would be as shown in the below snapshot. 

Similar to the Period mappings, where Global mappings are stored in a table called TPOVPERIOD, the Global Category mappings are stored in a table called TPOVCATEGORY as shown in the next snapshot.

The table has got five columns as follows: -

  • CATKEY (This is a number value for category. This is used in drill through)
  • CATNAME (Name of the category)
  • CATDESC (Category description)
  • CATTARGET (Target category value)
  • CATEFREQ (Category Frequency. This can have four values namely Y, Q, M, D for Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly and Daily)
The table metadata is as shown in the below snapshot. 

The application specific mappings for category is shown in the below table. No entries are there at the moment.

Application specific category mappings are stored in an adaptor table called TPOVCATEGORYADAPTOR as shown in the below select statement. 

This table has got four columns.

  • CATKEY (An integer value for the Category)
  • INTSYSTEMKEY (This will store the name of the application for which category mapping is defined.)
  • CATNAME (This will have the name of the category)
  • CATTARGET (This will have the Target value of the category)
I now define a mapping for the CoA application as shown in the below snapshot.

Observe that you only choose the Category and the Target value. The remaining values flow in from the TPOVCATEGORY table on save.

The contents of the TPOVCATEGORYADAPTOR table after updating the category for CoA application is as shown in the below snapshot.

The category table can be manipulated using SQL queries on the backend table. Below are the contents of the Global mapping table for Category that I have updated for the demo.

The contents of the table are as shown in the next snapshot. 

I now run a delete query to delete the Yearly, Quarterly and Daily Mappings.

The contents of the table after running the delete query is as shown in the next snapshot.

The global category mappings in FDMEE after the delete.

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